CBD Gummies by TryTheCBD

CBD Gummies by TryTheCBD




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  • CBD Type: CBD Edibles
  • CBD Potency: 300mg-900mg
  • Size: 10mg-30mg


  • Vegan
  • Gluten Free
  • Non – Psychoactive
  • Non – GMO


Gummies are an increasingly popular means of imbibing CBD. They take many of us back to the days of chewable vitamins we ate when we were children. These gummies are certified vegan and contain 10mg or 30mg of CBD per serving. It isn’t a super high amount, and we wouldn’t recommend them for trying to manage severe pain, but they still have a use in terms of relaxation and anti-inflammation.

  • As it is a candy, the gummies contain a range of ingredients; cane sugar, tapioca syrup, grape juice, annatto, turmeric, and black carrot extract. All these are vegan and gluten-free.
  • Made using CBD isolate, rather than full-spectrum CBD, so that means you won’t feel the "Entourage Effect"
  • Available in two strengths, one higher at 30mg and one lower at 10mg
  • Vegan and gluten-free
  • Sweet tasting and backed up by third-party testing; these aren’t some gas station "gummies."
  • These gummies also act as a source of vitamin C
  • More of a fun supplement than a way to treat chronic pain and other conditions.
  • Only available in two strengths, 10mg or 30mg
  • Made using CBD Isolate, not a full-spectrum extract

User Reviews

Darla Munoz

My earlier CBD brand caused me something close to a smoker’s cough. I always vape my CBD, that is true! However, what I had known of CBD was that it has no side effects usually. So after trying for about 3 months, I finally changed my brand. This time it was trythecbd. And the problem is gone. And the oil is efficient in keeping me stress free.

Chris Riedel

I love your shatters Trythecbd! I just finished my fist order and you are on your way to getting another, even bigger order from me very soon. I never thought something so natural could produce some so soothing effects on the mind. I am not concerned as to how it affects the body as I am all fit and fine. But the way it makes me feel in the head is worth mentioning. So light and so good. I think it is beyond words!

James Shockley

This works guys! I am sold on this totally. No chance that it will not be helpful. TrytheCBD is one amazing brand that happened to the CBD industry and the users. If you are using something else, quit that for a while and try this out. You will not regret. And it is affordable too! Not just the lollipop of the elite and the impressing, even normal middle class like us can afford it easily.

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