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Jamie Taylor

Jamie Taylor -

Last updated on Dec 14, 2023

The Best CBD Tea in 2024: How and Why Drink It?

CBD products come in many shapes and sizes. There are CBD snacks, CBD coffee, CBD vape oils. But can you combine fascinating therapeutic benefits with the tea ceremony delight? The good news is that you absolutely can! Today, you will learn all about CBD infused tea and its benefits.

CBD tea

What Is CBD Tea?

At first sight, CBD tea is self-explanatory: it’s a tea infused with CBD (cannabidiol). CBD tea comes in bags with premeasured CBD concentrations. But what types of CBD tea are there? Green, black, or herbal?

In today’s CBD market, you can find an endless variety of CBD teas: from CBD Matcha green tea to red tea, chamomile blend, peppermint, and other variations.

So if you’re a tea lover, you can prepare your favorite drink with a soothing CBD vibe. It’s a piece of cake, but many people hesitate to buy CBD-infused drinks and foods because they don’t know whether CBD is safe and how it works. So does CBD harm your health or bring nothing but good? Check this out below.

Best CBD Tea Products

  • 1. CBD Living Loose Leaf Tea
    icon product Recommended
    CBDLiving Tea
    CBD Living Loose Leaf Tea
    CBD Type: Nano CBD
    CBD Potency: 250 mg
    Size: 57g (2oz)
    • Organic
    • Caffeine-free
    • Vegan
    • Non-GMO and THC-free
    • Organic
    • Caffeine-free
    • Vegan
    • Non-GMO and THC-free
    Price range: $30.00

CBD Tea: Is It Legal?

While regular tea is entirely legal across the globe, CBD is not. It has a shady reputation because it is extracted from cannabis. But in the United States, CBD was reclassified under the Farm Bill of 2018, so it’s no longer an illegal substance if it contains less than 0.3% THC. However, you may not be allowed to consume CBD tea anywhere across the US: some states still prohibit CBD consumption, while other local governments allow CBD only for medical use.

Therefore, reliable CBD companies offer THC-free CBD products or full-spectrum CBD oil that contains <0.3% THC.

Safety Profile of CBD Tea

Speaking of CBD (cannabidiol) as a hemp-derived substance alone, it’s entirely safe. It’s non-toxic and non-addictive, unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the main component of recreational marijuana. Finally, it has a better safety profile than other medications.
But CBD often comes in broad or full-spectrum hemp oils that contain many more ingredients besides CBD. To be 100% safe, CBD used in tea must be:
Naturally grown
Be free of herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants
Contain no more than 0.3% THC
So, CBD tea is safe as long as it meets hemp quality standards.

How to Choose the Best CBD Tea?

Before purchasing CBD tea, you should take into account the following parameters:

  • THC content. Make sure that THC content is 0.3%. For this, you need to check your CBD tea for lab results. You can typically find them on official CBD brand websites.
  • Hemp origin. A good rule of thumb is to buy tea with CBD extracted from American hemp that is naturally grown and free of pesticides and herbicides.
  • Certificates. Prioritize brands that can prove their reliability with quality certificates.
  • Read CBD tea reviews to get an image of the CBD company.

One more tip: buy CBD tea from CBD companies or official trusted sellers only. In this way, you will avoid fake products. If you want to buy CBD tea wholesale, you need to carefully investigate the middleman you’re going to obtain products from.

  • A Range of CBD Tea Benefits

    CBD tea has several therapeutic benefits. Combined with the antioxidative properties of most teas, CBD will become an excellent addition to your morning tea ritual.

  • It supports general wellbeing

    It alleviates several conditions like insomnia, anxiety, pain, and inflammation.

  • CBD calms your nervous system

    It makes pain sensation less unpleasant, combats inflammation, and improves your sleep.

Does CBD Tea Have Side Effects?

While CBD is generally well-tolerated, and most people can consume up to 1,500 mg CBD per day risk-free, this supplement may have mild and infrequent side effects like:

  • Sleepiness
  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea

If you experience any adverse effects, you should lower your daily CBD intake and consult your doctor.

How to Prepare CBD Tea?

Preparing CBD tea is more easy-peasy than you think. Grab your teapot, put a couple of CBD bags in there, and add 100-degree hot water. Steer it a bit and steep for 20-30 minutes. Or, you can follow your favorite tea recipe: it’s entirely up to you.

How to Measure Your CBD Tea Dose?

CBD tea dosing depends on the type of tea. As for CBD tea bags, each of them contains a premeasured CBD amount – typically 10 mg. If you try CBD for the first time, you should start with 10 mg CBD per day, which is one cup. If you don’t feel any benefits, increase your CBD dose a bit.

Yet CBD leaf tea is a whole different dosing story. To measure CBD tea servings correctly, you may need an accurate kitchen scale. Let’s assume your leaf CBD tea label reads: “40 grams of tea contains 150 mg CBD.” 150 ÷ 40 = 3.75 mg CBD per gram of leaf tea. If your daily CBD dose is 10 mg, you need to take up to 3 g of CBD infused tea.

leaf min leaf mid leaf max
Bottom img

CBD Dosage Calculator

Experience Level with CBD
  • None - Mild
  • Medium
  • Severe
Total Body Weight (in lbs)
  • < 45
  • 46-86
  • 86 - 150
  • 151-240
  • >240
  • <45
  • 46 – 85
  • 86 – 150
  • 151-240
  • >240
  • <45
  • 46-85
  • 86-150
  • 151-240
  • >240
this calculator is for informational purposes only. Talk with your Doctor before taking CBD. Individual results may vary.

The Final Word

CBD infused tea can become an excellent addition to your mornings while boosting your energy, relieving your anxiety and pain, and helping you sleep better. CBD tea is safe and legal as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC. So if you wish to give yourself a deserved nourishment, you can opt for the best CBD tea without hesitation.


Does CBD Tea Really Work?

CBD tea does work since CBD retains its therapeutic properties when infused with foods and drinks. CBD infused tea is a base you can mix with milk, cinnamon, and other additives without compromising CBD properties.

How Many Drops Of CBD Oil Are In Tea?

You can add a few drops of CBD tincture to your cup of tea, but you can also buy CBD infused tea with pre-measured CBD content and leave complex CBD dosing calculations behind.

Does CBD Tea Contain THC?

Whether CBD tea contains THC or not depends on the CBD tea formulation. Full-spectrum hemp tea contains THC, while broad-spectrum or isolated CBD tea doesn’t.

How Much CBD Tea Should I Drink?

One cup of CBD tea is a good starting point if you have never taken CBD before. If your conditions require high CBD intake, you may want to mix hemp oil tea with other CBD products.

Article Sources
Written by:

Jamie Taylor

Jamie has more than ten years of experience as a physician assistant. He has always been interested in the healing potential of cannabidiol, especially in its pain relief properties. Jamie considers cannabidiol as a powerful remedy with minimal side effects. He knows how to help users make rational buying decisions based on the unbiased and accurate reviews of CBD products and brands.

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