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Jamie Taylor
Last updated on Jan 15, 2021
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Does Health Insurance Cover CBD Oil?

Can you get covered under a CBD oil policy? Many people are wondering this question as the prices are skyrocketing and the government is warning against the abuse of the drug. Some companies are taking strong steps against this "fake" medical marijuana, which they say is being used by teens to buy pot. With the popularity of CBD oil, it makes sense to investigate whether the policy that you have in place covers it.

To answer this question, first, understand the basics of insurance and what is covered and not covered. Insurance is an agreement between you and the company to pay a particular expense. This agreement is made between you and the company, not you and the insurer. What this means is that CBD oil will be covered under some companies' policies, but not others. In other words, there are different policies that will be defined for you based on your location and whether or not you smoke or use other tobacco products.
Does Insurance Cover CBD Oil

Depending on whether you smoke or not, the coverage may be limited to the state that you live in. You must ask your health plan provider for the specifics because some areas have laws about smoking while intoxicated or under the influence. It is also possible that smoking is banned altogether on your policy. If this is the case, then you cannot get coverage. It makes sense to ask for more information if you feel that this is the case.

The price that you will be quoted for this coverage is going to vary because of these laws and factors. These variables may include your age, weight, gender, and current lifestyle. You may be asked for personal information such as your family history of heart problems. If you have a past of depression or substance abuse, you may be advised to change your lifestyle. This may mean a change of medications or even seeing a therapist.

Using CBD as Medicine

Not all companies will ask about these questions, so be aware of what may be asked. Some policies will cover certain illnesses, but others may not. If you have a pre-existing condition, then you should ask about the potential coverage. Most companies offer you the option of additional coverage that you can purchase separately.

Some companies may even require a medical exam prior to receiving coverage. They will not cover a condition that has been diagnosed. They may require that you go through a physical or psychological examination. These tests can take a few minutes and maybe worth the cost if they prevent you from needing coverage. If the results are negative, then you may still be able to purchase the policy at a reduced rate.

If you are suffering from a serious or chronic health condition, then you should really consider buying a policy from a quality, reputable company. While you may pay more for the premiums, you are paying for peace of mind knowing that your health is in good hands. Some companies may even provide a money-back guarantee. With some of the high-end policies available, you may never need to worry about whether or not you will be able to afford health insurance again. [1]

Some people simply don’t want to spend the extra money for the premium because they aren’t sure how they will use it. CBD oil is not covered by health insurance plans in most states. If you decide that you want to use it for therapeutic purposes, then you will need to purchase a policy that does cover it. Not only will this coverage help to cover your treatment, but you can receive financial assistance in the form of tax deductions for your health care. By shopping around, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars on the cost of health insurance. [2]

Is CBD Oil Covered By Insurance?

Can CBD oils be covered by insurance? This is a question that has been on many people’s minds. It has been determined that “cannabis” is not covered by most insurance policies because it remains illegal under federal law. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Most policies do not cover the use of “prescription” cannabis extracts. The only exception is when you are using an oil that has been “intended for human consumption.”

These are cannabis oils that have been extracted from the stems and leaves of the cannabis plant. This oil is extracted through a process that is scientifically rigorous and inspected to make certain it does not contain any contaminants or synthetic chemicals. After the oil is extracted from the “CBD” or the CBD oil is isolated from the plant material. The oil is then “refined” and screened for CBD before it is packaged in its own separate container. The finished product will be labeled with the “CBD Trademark” in order to make sure consumers know the oils are legal and not falsely advertised as therapeutic drugs. This “marking” is done by pharmaceutical companies who perform double-blind drug tests on the oils.

CBD oils are generally inexpensive to buy and use. This is because it is a “generic” drug and does not require a prescription. There are no serious side effects or risks when using them for medicinal purposes. However, because they are not available through a prescription process, there is a risk when purchasing CBD oils that they are counterfeit or not authentic.

Insurance Cover CBD Oil


  • Fraudulent oils are typically made by manufacturers overseas with cheaper materials. Some fraudsters will try to pass off CBD oils as the real thing without having them tested by an independent laboratory. There are some distributors that try to sell CBD oils with labels stating that they are “cultured” or “transformed.” While these methods may sound legitimate, they are actually misleading. Even when the oil is labeled “cultured”, it is not true because the actual plants are not transformed.
  • Another popular method of selling CBD oils is through e-books. There is nothing more convenient than purchasing an eBook online and saving your hard-earned money. In addition to that, there is absolutely no need to visit a medical supply store. E-books also give you a lot of flexibility in how much you can afford to spend.
  • As you can see, CBD oils are quite cheap and easy to use. They are relatively safe and have many potential benefits. But even with these benefits, there are a few potential downsides to this product. If you want to use CBD oils but don’t want to go through the hassles of buying them or making your own oil, then you should consider investing in a CBD product.
  • You can choose from a variety of CBD products on the market today including oils, capsules, and liquids. Some people prefer to make their own personal CBD product using pure CBD oil, whereas others prefer to purchase CBD capsules and liquids. As mentioned above, personal CBD products are quite popular, but they’re also often less expensive. Another benefit of buying your own CBD is that you can make your own mixes with different levels of CBD. This is another option that is quite popular, especially when people have different needs in their daily health regimens.

It is important to remember that the federal government does not regulate the production of this plant. However, some states do have laws that allow you to use CBD oils for certain medical conditions. The best way to determine if your coverage is offered by your insurance company or not is to contact them directly. A trained sales representative can answer all of your questions and guide you towards the best coverage options for you.

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CBD Dosage Calculator

Experience Level with CBD
  • None - Mild
  • Medium
  • Severe
Total Body Weight (in lbs)
  • < 45
  • 46-86
  • 86 - 150
  • 151-240
  • >240
  • <45
  • 46 – 85
  • 86 – 150
  • 151-240
  • >240
  • <45
  • 46-85
  • 86-150
  • 151-240
  • >240
this calculator is for informational purposes only. Talk with your Doctor before taking CBD. Individual results may vary.

Final Thoughts

Many people often inquire whether they are allowed to purchase CBD oil or use it medically under the law. Sadly, this isn’t true at all. While the federal government doesn’t outright ban the substance or its consumption, it won’t normally reimburse you for using it medically. As such, it’s basically illegal to sell, or give away, CBD oil.

There are a number of reasons why the government doesn’t want people to be able to grow, harvest, or consume cannabis. The medicinal benefits of cannabis, doctors say, far outweigh any other reason for putting it into the drug classification. The government does, however, recognize the fact that cannabis does have some danger involved with it. That’s why they’ve prohibited the commercial production, sale, and consumption of anything containing THC, the compound that gives cannabis its distinctive, mind-altering high.

So, what does insurance cover when it comes to CBD oil? The answer depends on the company you get it through. In general, most insurance-friendly companies don’t cover medical marijuana at all. Those that do will usually offer you a limited rider which allows you to utilize the oil under the supervision of your doctor.

When it comes to CBD oil, this limitation is built in. However, if you have a qualified life or cancer insurance policy, then CBD can be added as an additional treatment option. The only problem is that you may find your coverage discontinued if you’re ever charged with a crime involving cannabis, even just possession. So it’s important to be aware of your individual coverage and to check with your insurance provider if they will cover the cost of cannabis-based medicine, including CBD.


[1] National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

[2] Health insurance for individuals & families

Written by:

Jamie Taylor

Jamie has more than ten years of experience as a physician assistant. He has always been interested in the healing potential of cannabidiol, especially in its pain relief properties. Jamie considers cannabidiol as a powerful remedy with minimal side effects. He knows how to help users make rational buying decisions based on the unbiased and accurate reviews of CBD products and brands.

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