The company sells some goods even for horses, so deep they are in pet CBD. Liquid Max for horses is based on hemp oil extracts that have passed legit testing. Two containers on the web store include 10ml and 120ml options of MaxCBD liquid. The first option should last for a week on the dosage of 15 drops at a time, 3 times per day.
I began with the recommended one serving per day... She is social, she isn’t sluggish and she is able to relax and sleep, rather than pace back and forth to the litter box.
Kai’s all around attitude and energy has been effected by the oil – even though she is 17 years old she seems to have the most energy she has had believe it or not!!
We started him on the oil and biscuits 1 week ago. As of 5am today we are 38 days seizure free. We are trying everything and are hoping all stays well.